运行. 隐藏. 战斗. 在一次主动射击esball官方网中幸存下来
运行. 隐藏. 战斗. (5:56 minutes) dramatizes an active shooter incident in the work的地方. 这是一个快节奏的, succinct overview of the Run-Hide-Fight procedure that provides the best approach to surviving an active shooter incident. It was produced by the Houston Mayor’s Office of Public Safety with funding from a grant by the Department of Homeland Security. (Warning: 的 initial sequence in this video may be disturbing.)
- Intended Audience: appropriate to all - provides a basic understanding of the Run-Hide-Fight method, 而被呈现在一个令人难忘的, 高影响力的风格
- Sponsored by RIC Department of Security and Safety and presented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (2012).
查看运行. 隐藏. 战斗. 在一次主动射击esball官方网中幸存下来
主动射击:可供考虑的选项 (3:41 minutes) is an informational video that demonstrates possible actions to take if confronted with an active shooter scenario. 的 instructive video provides precise definitions of common terms and reviews the choices of evacuating, 隐藏, or, 作为最后的选择, 挑战射手(“Run-Hide-Fight”). 的 video also provides important information on how to act after law enforcement personnel arrive on the scene – to understand their role and to avoid being mistaken for a shooter.
- Intended Audience: appropriate to all - provides a basic understanding of the Run-Hide-Fight method, 而被呈现在一个令人难忘的, 高影响力的风格.
- Sponsored by RIC Department of Security and Safety and produced by the US Department of Homeland Security (2013).
对主动射击的实际反应 (3:35 minutes) focuses entirely on an active shooter in a college setting. It provides additional detail on what to do when law enforcement officials arrive.
- 目标受众:大学生和教师
- Sponsored by RIC Department of Security and Safety and produced by Rock Valley College, 《esball官方网》(2014)
校园射击:知道你可以生存 (8:47 minutes) focuses entirely on an active shooter in a college setting. It takes a step-by-step approach to the Run-Hide-Fight sequence of options and depicts some creative ideas for securing a room without a lock. (这个视频制作是戏剧性的和现实的. 一些观众可能会觉得不舒服.)
- 读者对象:高校教师和学生
- Sponsored by RIC Department of Security and Safety and produced by the University of Alberta (2013)
Here we provide the fire safety procedures pertaining to classrooms. Residence hall fire safety procedures are discussed regularly with all students who live in campus residence halls and a series of fire drills is scheduled annually.
- 知道出口位置
- 了解火警报警站
- 知道灭火器的位置
- assign class members to assist handicapped person during building evacuations
- assign a member to pull the alarm, one member to close windows, and so on
- designate an assembly area outside and away from danger to check attendance
- have person assigned pull nearest fire alarm to alert occupants
- 是否有专人疏散残疾人
- 如果时间和安全允许,是否安排专人关闭窗户
- do not attempt to extinguish large fires, extinguishers are for small fires
- 房间清空后,关上门
- 有序离开大楼,前往集合区 不要使用电梯
- 教师 should take attendance and notify Campus Police at 8201
Please Note: If in an extreme emergency, you must go through a smoke filled area. When in a smoke filled area, stay low and crawl to avoid smoke and get maximum air near the floor.
- if classroom doors are closed, feel them for heat - If hot, do not open doors
- if available, 的地方 wet rags at base of door to seal out smoke
- turn off air conditioners and fans to prevent circulation of smoke
- 如果教室门是冷的,慢慢打开并离开大楼
- if corridors are blocked by smoke or fire, stay in classroom unit help arrives
- 指派的学生是否疏散残障人士
- have assigned students close windows in room if time and safety permit
- do not attempt to extinguished large fires, only small limited fires
- 房间清空后,关上门
- leave building in an orderly manner and exit to assembly area - 不要使用电梯
- 教师 should take attendance and verify all have left building
Please Note: If in an extreme emergency, you must go through a smoke filled area. When in a smoke filled area, stay low and crawl to avoid smoke and get maximum air near the floor.