Credits from CLEP and AP Exams

Taking exams in various subjects, and achieving a required score, 能给你罗德岛大学的学分,帮助你加速获得学位吗. 大学水平考试计划和大学理事会的大学先修课程(AP)考试为您提供了许多科目特定测试的选择,目标是获得RIC学分.


大学水平考试计划(CLEP)为学生提供通过考试获得大学学分的机会. 大约一半的CLEP考试满足RIC的通识教育要求, 许多其他的计算在各种主要要求中, 剩下的算作选修课. 

Our Requirements for CLEP Exams

esball官方网要求50分或更高的分数才能获得同等的RIC课程学分. 如果学生已经获得学分,则可以不参加CLEP考试, through an alternate method, for the equivalent course listed. 

Where to Take CLEP Exams

CCRI是RI中可用的测试中心. CCRI provides 测试和注册的详细信息. 测试费用约为110美元,并提供实践测试. CLEP测试结果应发送给RIC Registrar's Office.

CLEP Exams and their RIC Equivalents

写作和文学- CLEP科目考试
(score of 50 unless otherwise noted)
RIC Equivalent (# credits)
American LiteratureElective (6)
分析 & Interpreting LiteratureElective (6)
College CompositionFYW 100 (4)* plus Elective (2)
College Composition ModularElective (6)
English LiteratureElective (6)
HumanitiesElective (6)
World Languages - CLEP Subject Exams
(score of 50 unless otherwise noted)
RIC Equivalent (# credits)
French Language法语基础101和法语基础102 (8)*
French Language (score of 60)FREN 113中级法语I和FREN 114中级法语II (8)*
German LanguageGRMN 101初级法语和GRMN 102初级德语II (8)*
Spanish LanguageSPAN 101初级法语和SPAN 102初级西班牙语II (8)*
Spanish Language (score of 60)SPAN 113中级法语I和SPAN 114中级西班牙语II (8)*
History and Social Sciences
(score of 50 unless otherwise noted)
RIC Equivalent (# credits)
American GovernmentPOL 202 American Government (4)*
History of the U.S. Early Colonization to 1877HIST 201 U.S. History 1400 – 1800 (3)
History of the U.S. II: 1865 to the presentHIST 202 U.S. History: 1800-1920
Human Growth and DevelopmentElective (3)
教育心理学概论Elective (3)
Introductory Psychology心理学导论(4)*
Introductory SociologySOC 200 Society & Social Behavior (4)*
Social Sciences and HistorySB 175普通教育社会与行为科学(4)*加选修课(2)
《西方文明II: 1648年至今的西方文明
HIST 175普通教育历史(4)*加选修(2)
西方文明1:古代近东至1648年Elective (3)
西方文明II: 1648年至今Elective (3)
Science and Mathematics
(score of 50 unless otherwise noted)
RIC Equivalent (# credits)
生物学生物学导论I和生物学导论II (8)*
微积分MATH 212 (4) plus Elective (2)*
化学化学103普通化学I和化学104普通化学II (8)*
College AlgebraElective (3)
College Mathematics数学(4)*选修(2)
Natural SciencesLS 175普通教育实验科学(4)*加选修(2)
(score of 50 unless otherwise noted)
RIC Equivalent (# credits)
Financial AccountingACCT 201会计原理(3)
Introductory 业务 LawElective (3)
Principles of Macroeconomics宏观经济学原理(3)
Principles of ManagementMGT 201 Foundations of Management (4)
Principles of Marketing市场营销导论(4)
Principles of Microeconomics微观经济学原理(3)

Advanced Placement (AP) Tests

在高中参加过大学先修课程(AP)考试的学生, and earned a score of 3 or higher, 获得esball官方网的学分. 如果你在第一次申请时没有要求将你的AP成绩发送给RIC,你可以这样做 send your AP scores now.

AP Exams and their RIC Equivalents

The College Board AP Exam 
(score of 3 or higher is needed)
RIC Equivalent Course (and # credits)
African American StudiesAFRI 200非洲研究导论(4)*
Art History艺术231史前到文艺复兴时期的艺术
生物学BIOL 111 Introductory 生物学 I and
生物工程学报2 (6)*
微积分 ABMATH 209 Precalculus Mathematics and
MATH 212 微积分 I (8)*
微积分 BCMATH 212 微积分 I and
MATH 213 微积分 II (8)*
化学CHEM 103 General 化学 I and
CHEM 104 General 化学 II (8)*
Chinese Language & 文化MLANG 199 (4)
Computer Science ACSCI 211计算机程序设计
Computer Science PrinciplesCSCI 157 Python算法思维入门(4)
English Language and CompositionFYW 100学术写作导论(4)*
Elective (2)
English Literature and CompositionGENLIT 175 Gen Ed Literature (4)*
Environmental ScienceNS 175 Gen Ed Natural Science (4)*
European HistoryHIST 175 Gen Ed History (4)*
Elective (2)
French Language and 文化FREN 113 Intermediate French I (4)*
German Language and 文化GRMN 113 Intermediate German I (4)*
Government and 政治: ComparativePOL 203 Global 政治 (4)*
POL 202 American Government (8)*
Human GeographyElective (4)
Italian Language and 文化ITAL 113 Intermediate Italian (4)*
Japanese Language and 文化JPAN 101 Elementary Japanese I and
JPAN 102 Elementary Japanese II (8)*
拉丁LATN 101 Elementary 拉丁 I and
LATN 102 Elementary 拉丁 II (8)*
Music TheoryMUS 203 Elementary Music Theory (4)*
物理B物理学与数学I (4)*
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism物理学与数学II (4)*
Physics C: MechanicsElective (4)
Precalculus AB数学(4)*和 
MATH 212 微积分 (4)*
Precalculus BCMATH 212 微积分 (4)* and
MATH 213 微积分 II (4)*
Spanish Language & 文化SPAN 113 Intermediate Spanish (4)*
Spanish Literature & 文化西班牙语世界文学(4)*
StatisticsElective (4)
Studio Art DrawingART 201图纸I:总图(4)*
Studio Art 2-D Art & 设计ART 104设计I:二维设计(4)*
Studio Art 3-D Art & 设计ART 114设计II:三维设计(4)*
United States Government & 政治POL 202 American Government (4)
United States HistoryHIST 201 U.S. History: 1400–1800 and
HIST 202 U.S. History: 1800–1920
World History: ModernHIST 111: Global History Since 1000
Rhode Island College entrance


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